Promoting key information on the PAR info page and social media in COVID-19 situation

A PAR info page was launched on 16 December 2019 as a component of the MPALSG website. Since the launch, the PAR Visibility & Communication Project team has continued efforts to prepare more information for the info page in cooperation with the beneficiaries and PAR and PFM projects.

In March and April 2020, the project team focussed on promoting information on e-services to contribute to the COVID-19 related emergency state established in Serbia in mid-March. These are some of the articles on PAR-related subjects which were drafted and published:

  • Article on how to register user account and use e-Government web portal and e-Services
  • 3 articles on e-Kindergarten e-service (general information about the service and information on which towns and municipalities have started using this service)
  • Article on beginning of online and TV classes for schoolchildren during the state of emergency
  • Article on how to register car during the state of emergency
  • Article on how farmers can apply online for work permit during the state of emergency
  • Article on online application for primary schools’ enrolment
  • Article on how people who provide social care services to other people can obtain permits to go out during the curfew hours

The project experts also developed information for some infographics to be published on the PAR info page. The infographics are currently in the production stage.

Also, project experts supported MPALSG in preparation of posts for social media and the project paid for the promotion of those posts in order to increase their reach. After the commencement of COVID-19 related emergency, the main focus has become the promotion of the information related to e-services to support the “stay-at-home” policy and contribute to reducing social contacts.

Last updated: March 13, 2025, 15:05